Palliative care focuses on meeting the needs of individuals and families who are faced with a life-threatening illness. Palliative care is based on a philosophy of HOPE, DIGNITY, CHOICE and CONTROL.
Choosing to receive palliative care does not mean that you have to remain in hospital. Whenever possible care will be provided at home. You and your family decide how much care and support is needed and who can provide the care and support.
Referrals can be made by anyone. It is best to talk to your doctor as he/she can help answer questions regarding your health and the stage of your illness. Having accurate information helps you make the choices about your care that are right for you and your family.
We are here to listen, to provide information, to answer questions and help arrange for the care that you need to make you comfortable.
Sunset Palliative Care can offer:
- volunteer support
- respite for family
- right to choice & respect for individual choices
- acknowledgement that living well continues in the midst of dying
- respect for cultural and religious differences, and confidentiality of client and family information regarding the Palliative Care Drug Access and Home Oxygen Programs for patients living at home
- information for family members regarding the Compassionate Care Benefits with Employment Income
- bereavement follow up & referral to grief support groups
Palliative care is available at no cost to the individual or their family.
Donations are welcomed by Sunset Palliative Care and are used to support the local palliative care program.
All donations are tax deductible.
Registered Charity Number: 88915-5461-RR0001